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Invoice Finance - UK Specialists

Unlock the power of cashflow with  invoice finance

Invoice Finance - Southampton

Southampton is known as an export epicentre, particularly among SMEs who harness its strategic location.  The fact that such a high percentage of these businesses are engaging in global trade exemplifies their adaptability, resourcefulness, and entrepreneurial spirit.


Our  team of professionals work relentlessly to ensure our clients in Southampton have consistent and reliable cashflow through our tailored invoice finance facilities. By doing so, we not only bridge their funding gap but also empower them to seize opportunities for growth without any financial constraints.




Bespoke Funding 





Dedicated Credit Controller

Fast and flexible Finance

Cash flow is the essential fuel that keeps most businesses running smoothly. However, it gets obstructed by  B2B invoices that are unpaid, delayed, or have extended payment terms. 


Your business can find itself in a situation where it has plenty of assets but lacks cash. This is where invoice finance, also known as 'factoring', or 'invoice discounting' comes in as the perfect solution to this problem.


Regency provides a solution to unlock the capital held up in your invoices, offering you the opportunity to access up to 90% of the invoice value, usually within 24 hours.


Instead of waiting for payments for 30, 60, or even 90 days, our solution releases this capital into your cashflow . 


This immediate release of cash can be used for settling supplier bills, investing in research and development, strategising for expansion, or any other business needs.


Regency enables you to boost your cashflow swiftly while we take on the task of collecting payment from your debtors.


Invoice finance is one of the most accessible and powerful ways to start making your working capital work for your business.  

How can invoice finance help your business? 

There is usually thousands of pounds tied up in unpaid invoices sitting in your Accounts Receivables or Sales Ledger at any one time. 


Invoice finance from Regency unlocks that money by getting you cash upfront.  Allowing you to focus on what you do best, growing your business. 


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